These are some of the great organizations that DDM works with and supports to help promote the advancement of the video game industry.

Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences
A terrific organization working to advance and promote the interactive arts. DDM has proudly been a sponsor for multiple DICE Europe events.
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BAFTA is a world leading independent film, games and TV charity whose purpose is to enrich the cultural landscape, level the playing field, drive progress, and inspire and celebrate.
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ESA Foundation
The ESA Foundation that funds interactive tech initiatives which support America’s youth. DDM has proudly been a sponsor of their Nite to Unite event.
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Fierst, Kane & Bloomberg LLP
A leading interactive law firm that has represented and mentored DDM for many years.
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Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, PC
A strong portfolio of interactive entertainment industry clients, negotiating and implementing complex video game content acquisitions, developments and distribution deals. Representing clients from start-ups to the largest developers and publishers in the video game industry.
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Global Game Jam, Inc®
DDM is a proud sponsor of The Global Game Jam, the event is operated by Global Game Jam, Inc.®, an international non-profit corporation based in San Luis Obispo, California, with a mission to foster game design and game education through innovative events. The Global Game Jam is an annual event that brings together talented individuals and teams from around the globe and rallies them around a central theme, simultaneously creating games around the world.
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IE Law
An interactive entertainment law group. DDM is proud to co-sponsor a Gamescom networking event with IE Law.
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The International Game Developers Association serves all individuals who create games. As an international organization, the IGDA is a global network of collaborative projects and communities comprised of individuals from all fields of game development - from programmers and producers to writers, artists, QA and localization. We bring together developers at key industry conferences, in over 90 Chapters and in Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to improve their lives and their craft. We advocate on behalf of our membership to ensure quality of life, perpetuation of our craft and preparing the next generation of developers.The International Game Developers Association serves all individuals who create games. As an international organization, the IGDA is a global network of collaborative projects and communities comprised of individuals from all fields of game development - from programmers and producers to writers, artists, QA and localization. We bring together developers at key industry conferences, in over 90 Chapters and in Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to improve their lives and their craft. We advocate on behalf of our membership to ensure quality of life, perpetuation of our craft and preparing the next generation of developers.
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Osborne Clarke
Osborne Clarke is an international legal practice and our goal is simple: to help their clients and our people succeed in tomorrow’s world.
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Premack Rogers
Dan Lee Rogers has been a leading figure in the video game industry for over two decades as a practicing attorney and interactive media law professor, Dan is credited on dozens of best-selling video game titles and recognized worldwide as an expert on the video game industry and computer technology.
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Reboot Develop
The boutique game developer and games industry conferences of Europe and Canada. DDM is a proud strategic partner.
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Safe In Our World
The main goal of Safe In Our World is to create and foster worldwide mental health awareness within the video game industry; to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health, to make it a natural topic of discussion, and to promote the dialogue surrounding mental health so people are not afraid to reach out for help if they need it.
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DDM is a proud sponsor of SpecialEffect, a charity that's helping everyone with disabilities to enjoy video games for fun, inclusion and rehabilitation. They visit people to find out exactly what they want to play, and what they need to play it. They then lend them the equipment they need, and support them until they can get the best out of it. By committing time, patience and expertise, they can open the door to self-esteem, confidence and a better quality of life.
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The AbleGamers Charity
DDM is a proud sponsor of the AbleGamers Charity (AKA The AbleGamers Foundation, which has served more than 56 million members of the disabled community by advocating greater access to digital media. Today, the AbleGamers Foundation is a leader in the development of equipment, programs and services to those living with disabilities, hardships, and quality-of-life issues that are a result of chronic illness or trauma. It is their goal that all people, regardless of their disability, can use gaming as a tool for an enriched social experiences with friends, family, and the world at large. The AbleGamers Foundation serves all people with disabilities and their caregivers, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual-orientation, nationality or religion.
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The Strong
DDM is a proud sponsor of The Strong, a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play. Independent and not-for-profit, the Strong is situated in Rochester, New York, where it houses the world’s most comprehensive collection of historical materials related to play. These enable a multifaceted array of research, exhibition, and other interpretive activities that serve a diverse audience of adults, families, children, students, teachers, scholars, collectors, and others around the globe.
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This is where industry professionals turn to for news on the games business; DDM is on the Advisory Board.
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From Hollywood studios to early stage tech businesses, games developers to leading brands, Wiggin understands its clients’ needs and gives informed advice. They don’t just tell you the risks – they give our opinion in a jargon-free, real-world context, so you have the freedom to do what you do best, creatively and commercially.
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Women in Games International (WIGI)
DDM is a proud sponsor of Women in Games International (WIGI), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to cultivate resources to advance economic equality and diversity in the global games industry. WIGI works to normalize women in the gaming industry by eliminating barriers and increasing access and opportunities for all. Since their inception in 2005, they have grown into a worldwide community, providing a platform to amplify the voices of underrepresented gaming professionals.
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