Mike Romo
VP, Strategic Development
Mike oversees DDM’s Consulting Services. From direct project management to collaborating with DDM Consulting Executives network, Mike and his team helps companies build and execute upon their strategy in the video game business, including IP development across entertainment media. His deep background in the arts and technology has come into play throughout his career, from product management in consumer security, to brand and business development in the video games industry. Mike has worked to drive a variety of companies and initiatives, including live events, filmed entertainment and publishing and draws upon this history of collaboration as he works on behalf of DDM’s clients. Mike and his team, all based in Los Angeles, operates as DDM’s direct link into the worlds of movies, television and graphic novels.
A storyteller by nature, Mike enjoys working with others to produce great experiences, whether they are on stage or screen — or, increasingly both! — and loves the partnerships that working in games inspires. His creative instincts are balanced out by his many years in QA and IT, which helps him manage efforts with a passionate, yet realistic, perspective.